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Name Labidochromis Caeruleus "Electric Yellow" 

Origin:  Lake Malawi 

Habitat:  Near shallow rocky waters 

Size:  4-5 inches 


We started off with three of these lil guys we named the dominant male Locho because he looks crazy he has a  black stripe across his eyes. The subdominant males name is Flash because he seemed so fast when we first bought him and the females name is Maxine. Named after my car, A Maxima. 

When we began populating our 55 gallon tank with fish we purchased three very small juveniles .  Of course when we bought these fish we had no idea of the sexes of these fish. We later found that we had two males and one female.  The way we found out that she was a female was that one day we came home from work only to find that this fish was carrying eggs in her mouth.  This was the first time that she had ever carried eggs in her mouth and she swallowed them half term.  We've come to find that if a major water change is done to this tank or if the temperature of the water is raised from its normal 78 degrees to about 82, this fish will be carrying in a matter of 1 to 2 days, like clockwork.    When we purchase these fish we were told that these fish were a more peaceful breed of Africans but still territorial like most Mbuna( The rock dwellers of lake Malawi).  This fish has to a degree stuck to its stigma.  Its a very peaceful fish to the others however very aggressive to others of its kind.  The funny thing is that the Dominant male (Loco) only seems to chase the sub dominant male( Flash).  Loco Chased Flash so much that I really thought he was going to kill flash from the stress of being chased.  Flash would stay at the top of the tank hiding as much as possible until the bully would find him and then again the chase was on.  Flash's speed has been able to keep him safe.  So, recently I introduced 2 more females in the tank.  The funny thing is that Loco is not chasing Flash as much any more but, Maxine who is carrying is chasing the other two around to let them know that this is her domain and I guess too that she's not letting anyone in on her main squeeze.  Actually Africans use this, as most creatures in the wild,  to create an order of rank amongst themselves.  She was really just chasing the others to let them know that she is boss in the female world of Labidos, in this tank anyway, and they need to fall in rank below her.

Out of broods of fish we have 6 fry.  We leave her in the tank because we think it would be too much stress on her to be taken back and forth from the tank.  So after about 3 weeks she spits the fry into the tank.  I guess some of them may get eaten but others have been able to survive under the rocks.  they are so small that the others cant get to them.  What happens is that one day when i go to watch the tank I just happen to catch a really lil guy under a rock so I do my best to catch them.    It usually takes me about an hour to catch one fish.  With the amount of rock in the tank, these lil fish have a ton a place to hide.